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General Questions

appJobber is a crowdsourcing platform for fast and cost-effective data collection in retail and other business-relevant locations. Clients commission users of the app to complete micro-tasks. The users then check, for example, the presentation of their own brand and products in stores, compliance with existing merchandising guidelines or the placement of advertising space on the street.

For jobbers, i.e. the users of the app, appJobber offers the opportunity to earn money on the side by doing micro-jobs with their smartphone.

To cooperate with appJobber, please contact or call +49 6151 62915 10. We will be happy to help you find the right solution for your needs.

Jobbers must be at least 18 years old and therefore of legal age and have a functioning Android or iOS smartphone. There are no other criteria.

  1. Download the app from the Google Play Store or the App Store
  2. Register in the app or at with a valid email address and confirm your registration
  3. Accept and complete jobs

The app is and remains free of charge for jobbers. If a job is completed correctly, the full amount specified in the job description will be transferred.

Caution: A fee will be deducted by PayPal when paying out via PayPal. If you have any questions, please contact PayPal directly.

Bank transfers are not subject to any additional fees.

The costs for commissioning appJobber are customised for clients. They vary depending on the complexity and size of the project. Ask for a non-binding quote now at

Jobs are available in nearly all of Europe. All available jobs in the surrounding area are displayed on the map. Jobbers can move the map manually to search for jobs in other regions. Alternatively, there is a search field in the app that can be used to simply search for the desired region.

You can request a new password at any time via

Caution: If you have unsubscribed from all of our emails, you will not receive an email for a new password. In this case, you will have to authorise us to send you emails again by contacting us via

You can change your notification settings on your own in your user account. Simply log in to and remove or add the relevant checkmark in the "Notifications" menu.

At, you can request deletion at any time using the "Delete account" option.

Caution: If you still have credit on your appJobber account or if there are any other uncertainties, we may contact you by e-mail before we carry out the deletion.

Note: We’ll miss you!


  1. Jobs at fixed locations (“regular jobs”)
  2. Location-independent jobs (“scouting jobs”)

Regular jobs typically involve taking photos of certain objects at specified coordinates. Sometimes you also have to answer questions and walk through waypoints. Regular jobs are displayed as pins on the map.

Example: "Go to the specified location and take a photo of the poster hanging there with the following motif." Or: "Go to the following supermarket, look for the following products on the shelf and take a photo of them. Also assess the visibility of the products and the friendliness of the staff on site."

Unlike regular jobs, scouting jobs do not have fixed coordinates. They are therefore not linked to a specific point to be visited. Instead, scouting jobs are about finding relevant information in a specific area or simply delivering it from home (e.g. surveys).

Example: "Tell us about newly opened restaurants in your neighbourhood." Or: “Take part in our survey on the subject of sport.”

You can find jobs in two different ways directly in the appJobber app (free on the Google Play Store or on the App Store):

  1. Jobs are displayed as pins on the map that opens when you start the app. By moving and refreshing the map, you can check other locations for available jobs.
  2. By clicking on the list icon, you can view all nearby jobs as a list.

Note: To ensure that you are always informed about new jobs immediately, we recommend that you activate the newsletter as well as the email and push notifications!

Android: Switch from the "On site" tab to "Scouting jobs" to see available scouting jobs.

iOS: Click on the magnifying glass icon in the top bar.

The asterisk is displayed if a job is new and could therefore be particularly exciting.

Completing Jobs

As a jobber, it is usually your task to collect position-related information. In concrete terms, this can take various forms, such as taking photos, writing descriptions, sending GPS positions or walking waypoints.

Click on a pin on the map to display a brief description of the job in question. You can read the detailed job description via the "Instruction" option within "Info & Instructions". The "Tasks" tab shows which tasks need to be completed as part of the job, while the "Map" tab shows which waypoints you need to cover.

Click on the "Accept job" button to reserve the job, usually for 6 hours. During this time, no other jobber can work on it.

Once you have completed the tasks displayed, you can upload the job.

If you want to cancel a job during the reservation, you can do so at any time via the menu in the top right-hand corner.

Click on the "Accept job" button to reserve a job. As a rule, the reservation time is 6 hours. During this time, no other jobber can work on it. Below the reward, you can see how long the job is still reserved for you. In some cases - e.g. for very extensive jobs - the reservation time can be longer than 6 hours.

If you do not want to complete a reserved job after all, you can cancel the reservation at any time. To do this, click on the three dots or the square with the arrow pointing upwards in the top right-hand corner of the job details and click on "Cancel job" or "Delete job".

Alternatively, you can also delete the job in the settings under "My jobs".

After the reservation period has expired, you can reserve the same job again, provided it has not already been reserved by another jobber. This is possible a maximum of two times in succession; after this, there is a 24-hour blocking period. During this time, you will not be able to access the job in question. This prevents jobs from being reserved again and again for days on end, thus blocking it for other jobbers without actually completing it.

If you still complete a job after the deadline, you can upload it conditionally. Your job will then show the status "Conditionally uploaded". However, this means that we can only accept your result if all requirements are met AND the job has not been completed by another jobber within their regular reservation period.

In principle, taking photos in retail stores is not against the law, but is sometimes frowned upon. To keep your job as simple as possible, you should observe the following points:

  • Behave like a regular customer in the store to avoid unnecessary attention.
  • Always remain friendly.
  • Do not interfere with the employees' work.

The jobs are often mystery assignments where it is important to the client that the market staff do not notice the inspection. It is therefore much better to take the photos as inconspicuously as possible.

Some jobs, on the other hand, require an introduction to the shop staff. A letter of authorisation is then available, which you can download from the job description.

If employees approach you and have any questions, you are welcome to refer them to us and pass on our email address and telephone number.

If the job expressly requires it in the job description, you can state that you are travelling as a crowdworker for appJobber. The same applies here: Feel free to give the employees our e-mail address and telephone number for any queries.

Although taking of photos not intended for publication is generally permitted, outlets may prohibit this in their house rules. If signs or staff indicate a photo ban, this must be respected immediately.

The job can still be uploaded with an added comment explaining the situation. It is still subject to the usual review criteria.

Always pay attention to your surroundings when carrying out jobs. Do not put yourself or others in danger!

Road traffic should not be disturbed. In some cases, it is therefore necessary and advisable to wait until the traffic volume has decreased. If the condition of the road makes it impossible to carry out the job, report the job to us using the corresponding option in the app (see "How do I report a job?"). Please also note the other FAQs in this section.

Do not use the appJobber app while driving! Your full attention should be on the road.

The safety of our jobbers is very important to us. Using the app while driving is potentially dangerous. Moreover, innocent third parties could be involved in an accident.

In order not to encourage such negligence, we reject results with photos taken from a car as a matter of principle.

A dangerous or impossible job can be reported with a suitable reason by selecting "Report job" in the menu.

Thank you for helping to protect other jobbers from potential dangers!

You can delete or edit a photo by clicking on the photo in the "Tasks" tab. When editing, you can correct the location and viewing angle.

If a waypoint is unreachable or not safely accessible, you can still complete the job. To do this, click on the unreachable waypoint on the map and confirm that it is unreachable when asked.

We will recognise from the GPS data whether you have tried to reach the point. If so, we can still accept your result.

Once you have accepted a job, you can view all the necessary steps in the "Tasks" tab. Once a step has been completed, it is highlighted in green.

Only when all steps are highlighted in green are all tasks completed.

For most jobs, there is an option under "Tasks" to add a comment that will be taken into account during our review.

You have a second option at (not in the app). After logging in, you can click on "Add comment" in the response view.

To prevent GPS deviations, the app may ask you to correct your position or viewing direction. To do this, drag the crosshairs to your position on the map and click "Accept position".

Completed jobs can be saved and uploaded at a later time - for example, because you have no reception in a market or because you prefer to upload large quantities of images via Wi-Fi instead of mobile.

Caution: A job is usually only reserved for 6 hours after acceptance. If another jobber uploads their own result after your reservation has expired, they may receive the reward.

Once the job has been completed and uploaded, it will be saved in our database and checked over the coming days.

Review Process

Uploaded jobs are usually checked within a few days, but up to a maximum of 4 weeks.

Not all of our jobs are checked by us personally, which is why we have no influence on the checking time of some jobs. We ask for your patience and understanding.

You are welcome to inform us about the delay by e-mail to

If your response is accepted, we will credit the agreed amount to your user account.

If the uploaded result does not meet the requirements in the job description, it will be rejected. In this case you will not receive a reward.

Depending on how much your response deviates from the requirements in the job description, we may authorise reworking within a certain period of time. You will be informed of this by e-mail.

Caution: We may only be able to grant a short rework period. Check your e-mail inbox regularly.

You have 2 weeks to appeal the rejection of a result. To do so, click on the "Appeal" link in the email in which you were informed of the rejection. You can provide a reason, which we will take into account when re-examining your response.

After logging in to the app or to, you will find an overview of your reservations and your accepted and rejected jobs under "My jobs".


Rewards vary from job to job and depend on the complexity of the task. However, it is always at least €1. The amount of the reward can be found in the job description.

The reward is determined by the client. We will credit it to you without any deductions.

Caution: PayPal fees may apply when paying out to a PayPal account.

As long as your profile is completely filled out, you can request a payout of the amount collected in your account at any time. There is no minimum amount.

On the "My account" page, which you can access at, you can send us an invoice for the amount of your credit balance using the "Pay out" button.

On Android systems, you can also access this page directly from the app by clicking on the piggy bank symbol.

We endeavour to guarantee that payouts are made at the beginning of the following week. However, it is possible that the transfer may be delayed by a few days.

Caution: Please bear in mind that the bank needs a few more days to process the order after the transfer has been made. A little patience is therefore required.

There were probably problems with the transfer process. This can happen if, for example, the account details provided are incorrect.

In such cases, we as the initiator of the transfer will receive an error message after different periods depending on the payment method:

   • for bank transfers after 2-5 days.
   • for PayPal payments only after 30 days.

As soon as we are informed, we will contact you by e-mail so that you can correct your data. Once this has happened, we will make the transfer again.

Note: Check and correct your details regularly to avoid delays.

Sometimes it is still possible to correct a transfer after the fact. To do this, send us an email with your request and the correct account details to

Note: We cannot guarantee that the transfer can still be corrected. The earlier we learn of incorrect data, the better the chance.

You are required to follow all legal requirements and taxation laws for your country. Taxation depends on your personal situtation. For legal reasons, we are not permitted to provide information on tax regulations for individuals. Please consult a tax consultant for this.

We offer payouts via bank transfer or PayPal. For each payout, you can select a new payment method.

Please note: PayPal charges withdrawal fees for each transaction. If you do not wish to pay any fees to PayPal, we recommend using the bank transfer.


In the appJobber app, you can subscribe to regions in which you are interested in jobs. If new jobs appear in these regions, you will be informed once a day by email. To cancel your subscription to a region, tap and hold the region in the menu until a trash can icon appears in the top right-hand corner. You can then delete the region.

Push job alerts are push messages that are displayed directly on your smartphone if you are in the vicinity of a new job. This is how we make the job search as effective as possible so that you never miss a new job in the neighbourhood.

You can deactivate the push job alerts in the menu under "Settings".

If job alerts are activated via email and/or push, it is possible that we will alert you to particularly interesting jobs, even if you may not be in the immediate vicinity of the job location. This increases your chances of being the first to complete these jobs.

Technical Problems

If you experience technical problems with the app - including, for example, the map not displaying correctly, no jobs being displayed, etc. - you should follow the steps below. If one step does not solve your problem, try the next step.

  1. Close the app completely and open it again. Returning to the home screen is not sufficient; the app must be closed completely.
  2. Log out and log in again.
  3. Restart the mobile phone.
  4. Uninstall and reinstall the app.
  5. Remove and reinsert the SIM card.

If none of these steps solve your problem, please contact us via email at Please include the following information in your email:

  • Technical details of your smartphone (name, generation, operating system, provider)
  • Description of your problem
  • If applicable: screenshots showing your problem
  • Specify which version of the appJobber app you are using.

You can find the version of your app at the bottom left of the main menu, in the "About us" section of the app or in the Google Play Store or App Store.

My Question Has Not Been Answered!

If you can't find the answer to your question in this article, please contact us by email at We will be happy to help you.

Important: Please read the frequently asked questions on this page carefully. Perhaps the answer can be found here after all. This will relieve our support team and help us to continue answering enquiries quickly. Thank you very much!